Thursday, June 16, 2011

Franklin's Bells

Interesting effect of high voltage:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

7 Segment Display

So now it's time to control a 7 Segment Display.

I got mine from Sparkfun.
There you can find the datasheet as well as some examples of how to use.

It has 16 pins and for you to be able to use all digits, it multiplexes the anodes. There's a cathode for each pin and 8 anodes for the digit segments and the following dot.
Because of these common anodes, we can only light up one digit at a time for them to show different results.

To control it I used an Arduino connected to a Shift Register. As its specs are 2.1V on 20mA, for the 5V output from the Arduino we need 150 Ohm resistors.
I only have 3 at the moment, and there are 7 output pins on the display to connect to.

So I used some serial (100 Ohm + 47 Ohm) and parallel (220 Ohm + 470 Ohm).
If you need to refresh your theory on calculating resistors or reading the values, hail to Wikipedia.

This is the simplified circuit, without resistors, so that it is easier to view what the connections are.

The next photos are for the complete setup, but can be somewhat confusing. Sorry about that...

The basic usage of this setup is to control what pins from the shift register sink current from the displays anodes and which digit is lit on a given moment with the Arduino.

And now for some code:
// thylux
// 7-Segment 4-digit display control using a 74HC595N shift register
// This driver only supports writing the digits for the moment
// As the Shift Register controls the anodes (sink current), we need to set the outputs as LOW to turn a light ON

// Display definitions
//  __A__
// |     |          Vcc < 2.1V, 20mA --> R = 150 Ohm
// F     B          
// |__G__|
// |     |
// E     C          DIG1 = 1, DIG2 = 2, DIG3 = 6, DIG4 = 8, COLON_P = 4, APOSTROPHE_P = 10
// |__D__|        A = 14, B = 16, C = 13, D = 3, E = 5, F = 11, G = 15, DP = 7, COLON_N = 12, APOSTROPHE_N = 9

// Shift Register definitions
// ---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---        Vcc < 5V, 70mA --> R = 72 Ohm
// |                                  |        Qn < 20mA
// D             74HC595N              |
// |                                  |
// ---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---
//   Q1  Q2  Q3  Q4  Q5  Q6  Q7  GND

// Display connection to Shift Register (direct breadboard connections)
// Q1 -> B, Q2 -> G, Q3 -> A, Q4 -> C, Q5 -> D, Q6 -> F, Q7 -> E

// Character mapping
//                 HBGACDFE
byte chars[11] = {B10100000, // 0
          B10110111, // 1 
          B10001010, // 2
          B10000011, // 3
          B10010101, // 4
          B11000001, // 5
          B11000000, // 6
          B10100111, // 7
          B10000000, // 8
          B10000101, // 9
                  B11111111};// blank

// Arduino pin definition
int _LATCH = 12;
int _CLOCK = 11;
int _DATA = 10;
int _DIG1 = 7;
int _DIG2 = 6;
int _DIG3 = 5;
int _DIG4 = 4;

#define _BUFF_SIZE   4
#define _SHOWTIME    50

// initializes the buffer with empty characters
byte buffer[_BUFF_SIZE] = { chars[10], chars[10], chars[10], chars[10] };
int digits[_BUFF_SIZE] = { _DIG1, _DIG2, _DIG3, _DIG4 };

void setup()
  pinMode(_LATCH, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_CLOCK, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_DATA, OUTPUT);

  // TODO: Can a 555 reduce these 4 pins to 1?
  pinMode(_DIG1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_DIG2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_DIG3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(_DIG4, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < _SHOWTIME; j++)
  // Clean the latch for the next execution
  // TODO : needed???
  digitalWrite(_LATCH, LOW); // Begin Write
  shiftOut(_DATA, _CLOCK, LSBFIRST, chars[10]);
  digitalWrite(_LATCH, HIGH);  // End Write

void fillBuffer(int num)
  bool cleanChar = false;
    buffer[_BUFF_SIZE - 1] = chars[0];
  for(int i = _BUFF_SIZE - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    if(num==0 && cleanChar) // We need to make sure that all the unused buffer positions are cleaned
      buffer[i] = chars[10];
      buffer[i] = chars[num > 9 ? num%10 : num];
      cleanChar = true;

void writeScreen()
  for(int i = 0; i < _BUFF_SIZE; i++)
    for(int i = 0; i < _BUFF_SIZE; i++)
      // TODO: find if it is possible to turn HIGH and LOW an entire PORT
      digitalWrite(digits[i], LOW);
    shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder, value)

    dataPin:     the pin on which to output each bit (int)
    clockPin:     the pin to toggle once the dataPin has been set to the correct value (int)
    bitOrder:     which order to shift out the bits; either MSBFIRST or LSBFIRST. (Most Significant Bit First, or, Least Significant Bit First)
    value:         the data to shift out. (byte) 
    digitalWrite(_LATCH, LOW); // Begin Write
    shiftOut(_DATA, _CLOCK, LSBFIRST, buffer[i]);
    digitalWrite(_LATCH, HIGH);  // End Write
    digitalWrite(digits[i], HIGH);

I believe that this code could be more efficient (a quick side note - Performant isn't a word), so I'll look up ways to make it better. As a proof of concept, works just fine!